Only one more day of January left on the calendar. Wahoo! I love snow, but it's time to move on to February-you know the month of hearts, candy, flowers, and gifts. Ah, the ever popular gifts of Valentine's Day, and the cute love bug cards for that special someone in your life. Before you turn the page to February in your date book, make a date with some very cuddly friends. Cuddle and Kind dolls to be exact. Just look at these dolls will ya! I mean wozza these dolls are so darn adorable and gift able. Yes, order now for Valentine's Day gift giving. And don't miss the special offer when you order. The unboxing of my Cuddle and Kind dolls: ready??? Here we go... visit Cuddle and Kind info on their mission to help feed children in need. ISLA, the mermaid is on the left and on the right is IVY, the bear. Shown are the 20 inch dolls, also availalbe in 13 inch dolls. . So here's why I seriously love these dolls:...