Today is Green Gift Monday! Click the button to the right of this post to shop GREEN today. Thanksgiving has come and gone. I am thankful for my Family and many friends, and having my basic needs of; food, clothing, and shelter provided for each day. All of these needs take resources from the earth. In my slow progression to use less resources for my basic needs needs. I am always looking for products that are reusable, recyclable, and natural to help ease my impact on the earth and the trash can. My use of paper towels and paper napkins is a big area for me to conserve at home and away from home. I have recently found out about People Towels . These are personal hand towels that are made from 100% Organic Fair Trade Cotton. They are reusable, washable, earth friendly towels with neat designs. These towels are for use away from home in place of paper towels/napkins. I know myself and I usually us...