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Showing posts from May, 2020

ARM&HAMMER™ has a new Foot Care collection. It's cool mist of relief.

It's the season of hot and humid weather. Hot weather and I are just not friends. Arm and Hammer has two new invisible sprays, one for body and one for feet. I tried the Invisible Spray Powder first, and it really is invisible, I know how could that be? But it is, and it sprays on in a cool dry mist. Relief. The spray has a nice light scent too. Next I sprayed the Invisible Spray Foot Powder on my feet. It sprays on invisible, yep just like the product shows, and the mist is a dry cool, refreshing feeling. The new Arm and Hammer Invisible Spray Powder is unisex. You can share the spray bottle, or buy for his and hers. Look for  NEW Invisible Foot and Body Powder Sprays wherever you buy health and beauty products.  Each sells for around $7.00. Good things to know about Arm & Hammer (tm) spray powder: ARM&HAMMER™ Invisible Foot Powder Spray • First ever cake-free invisible foot spray powder, leaving no white mess on clothes, shoes or feet. ...

Hand Lettered Truth, 60 Inspiring verses from God's word, by Debbie Bratton

There are many of times a Bible verse is needed through out my day. I'll admit I'm not one that can recite Bible verses, book, chapter, and verse.  I mostly remember a verse from a hymn I've sung at church or Summer camp. I have my Grandmother's Bible, one of many in her house I'm sure, but it's the one I kept after her passing and cleaning out her home of many years with my Grandfather. Her Bible is not in a case, nor tabbed for each chapter. I'm ok with using her Bible for church services, but for my own reading, I look to supplemental books, like those with pictures, color, and larger print! Debbie Bratton's amazingly, beautiful, colorful, and gorgeous book: HAND LETTERED TRUTH 60 INSPIRING VERSES FROM GOD'S WORD The cover has a raised title that is smooth and somehow comforting when you hold it in your hand for reading or just as you sit quietly in thought. The pages are splendid. It's a gift to yourself or your loved one, or that h...


How are you? yes, you, How are you? The question that is asked to you or by you over and over again in our daily travels. If you are the one that ask the question, do you wait for an answer? Do you really care how that person is? We are in a rush you know. We don't take a extra minute to wait for the person's answer. If someone asked you how you were, what is your normal response? I always feel they are asking how my health is so I respond "Well". I wouldn't want to say I was ill if I was. Ha, especially these days. Those of you who respond to the "how are you question" are you waiting for an answer of "good" "can't complain" "could be better", you know the typical responses. So when the person gives their response, what say you? I'm gonna guess it's a nod and your reply good, good. And off you go on your way... What in the world would you say to someone that told you they were fearful, scared, unsure...