Happy New Year to you! Perhaps January should be name organizational month, maybe it already is, I don't know, sounds like a google moment. Storage totes are stacked high in my basement, full of holiday decorations, old photographs, the kids artwork, keepsakes, and mementos. My husband says the same thing every time we happen to be in the basement at the same time. "I don't care how much stuff you have just get it in a tote. Totes, bins, or containers do lend a hand in neatness. Last year after Christmas I sorted, clean out, and label in detail my Christmas totes. I guess not good enough because I never unpacked my snow flake decorations I put on the dining room chandelier or the kids stockings. I had a a few stockings I used for decoration so I used those for the kids this year. I'd rather not buy any more totes, because that means I bought more stuff. Or maybe it means I am more organized, yeah, it's that one, more organized. Here is a view from my shopping car