Like Windy Cities? Like Tall Buildings? Like Tightrope Walking? Nik Wallenda does and you can watch him LIVE this Sunday 11/2/14 at 7PM EST.
By Sunday night we will have changed our clocks back one hour, settled in for Sunday night darkness as Winter heads our way, but wait! Don't head to bed yet-gather the family and watch this amazing live TV show! Tune in this Sunday at 7 PM EST for a live televised event on Discovery Channel this Sunday November 2, 2104, to watch Nik Wallenda tightrope walking between buildings in Chicago, untethered. Nik is a devote Christian and is known to actively pray out load during his tightrope wakings. You might have seen him walk in Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon. Fin d more about Nik and the live show go to SYNOPSIS/OFFICIAL Nik Wallenda, known for his skywalk performances over Niagara Falls and across the vast Grand Canyon, is back! On November 2, 2014, Nik heads to The Windy City of Chicago where he’ll tackle unpredictable weather, the darkness of night and a wire that inclines almost fifty feet as Nik takes his act to new he...