Disclosure: this is a non sponsored, non compensated post. Day #9 (to see what I found on days 1-8 go to the USA in a day tab) Intro: I am on a hunt for things in my home that are made in the USA. Each day I will try to post an item or two from my house. Why? To support companies that are in my country. Take a second and look at the product or item you are using and see where it is made. Pot Potpourri Press tins were popular in the 80's and I found them useful for lip gloss, storing trinkets, and desk decorations. I have a collection of these tins I bought way back then. I also keep an eye out for them at thrift shops and yard sales. The Pot Potpourri Press company went out of business years ago. I use these tins for storage of Christmas tags and such on my wrapping counter Bermuda Bags . Although I lived inland from the Atlantic Ocean at the time I carried a Bermuda Bag, ii's my favorite style of purse. The ...