A Party? What Should I bring? Nothing! These web sites of major brands will offer you products-Free-for you to try with your friends and family. The HOUSE PARTY web site offers interested people brands to test by you inviting Friends to your house, and then sharing their response of the product with the company. There is not a company representative there, and you do not sell anything. It is just like you are having a get together with your friends-no salesmen etc. No order taking. These are products that may be available in stores or are so new they are not in stores yet. House Party will match you to brands you are interested in and send you an email application, and then if your application is selected they will send you the product to test, samples for your invited friends, coupons and information on how to get your party started. After the party you give feedback from you party, such as a survey, comments, pictures. Go to their site and go to Explore tab you can see what people have tested and get to keep! Win Win
SHESPEAKS offers a place to test products from different companies. SheSpeaks will match you with products based on your interests. They will contact you when something matching your interest is available. After testing the product you give your comments on the product and share pictures. Other members reviews are also available to read, and you can give feedback on the product you tested.
GENERAL MILLS offers new products and will ask for your comment on the product. By joining the group you have a chance to try new things and offer your response to the company.
START SAMPLING offers free samples and coupons. When you become a member by giving information on where to send the samples, email. Visit the site and click on the free sample picture to get the samples they are offering at the time. I have just started using this site and have received dryer fabric sheets, and have several more different samples en route. These samples are great for traveling, guests, college kids, even to give to charities that collect small toiletries and snack size foods for people. This is an easy one since it is free, and you just answer a question or two and then the sample is on the way.
You do not buy anything or sell anything from these companies, by joining the group you are able to try the newest products and give your feedback. To the best of my knowledge you do keep the product you test. There are no salespeople at your party, no order forms. Don't bring your wallet, it is free to join, free to attend, free to test products. The companies are looking for people's honest response to their products that's it.