There are surveys that will pay you cash, give you points, or earn gift cards. mysurvey, and swagbucks are a good start. Be sure to read the fine print, in the terms and use of the survey site before you agree to sign up for the surveys. Another good idea (from my husband) is to look up what other people have written about their experience with that site.
NOAH is coming soon! To a theater near you on March 28, 2014 and until then take a look at scenes from NOAH. Emma Watson shares a fun intro to the newest trailer release of the film NOAH: Learn about the making of the film and the bible story of NOAH: Read what's being said about NOAH in the press: Geoffrey Morin who is head of communications for The American Bible Society offers an article on "NOAH". The op-ed is entitled, “NOAH spurs debate pitting art vs. Bible” and poses the question, “How much artistic interpretation should be allowed? Here is the article about the film Noah on USA Today. Noah comes to a theater near you on March 28, 2013. To find a location near you go to NOAH the official web site for the film.