playing with the curtains |
After three years since the passing of our cat, Bugsy, we went to the county animal shelter and applied for adoption of a kitten. My youngest daughter picked him out from the cute cats and kittens at the shelter. His name is Señor, she picked this name. He is twelve weeks old and is gray and black stripped. He came home with us yesterday! He is very playful, and is eating well, and sleeping. We have been enjoying him run around the house and happy he can roam freely. We all took turns watching the kitten last night since he is not on our sleeping schedule yet... We are all wanting to hold the kitten and keep it cozy. When he is not napping, he is running around the house and playing with the one and only toy we have purchased so far-we had an older cat before and toys were not as interesting as they are to this kitten! Although the kitten has had all it's required medicine, and the like from the shelter we will be making a veterinarian visit to keep him as healthy as we can. Thanks for visiting with our new pet.