Annie's Home Grown (r) |
Visit Annie's Organic and click on the FREE LOOT TAB to get your own free stickers and decals. You can also find this information on the packages on Annie's Organic foods on the side panel.
Visit Annies' Organic for details on how to get your own Root For Kids Gardening Kit when you buy any two Annie's Products between 2/1/2011 and 4/30/2011 while supplies last. The web site has more details on this promotion. (Organic Gardening Magazine Feb/March issue, Thanks for the magazine DAD!)
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While you are visiting this Web site look around at their offering of organic, simple, natural from the earth foods. I used to buy their Organic Mac and Cheese when my kids were younger, and have since discovered them again in Target. The organic, natural ingredients and easy availability has made me a fan again. Their Root 4 KIds site is great for kids recipes, games, and coloring pages. They also have a movement underway to get kids to plant vegetables this year. There is nothing like getting your own vegetables out of your yard in the summer.
Disclosure: I am not affiliated with Annie's Homegrown, and this post is my own comments and knowledge. Please contact their web site for specific details and information.