Reading a book is a great way to relax, take some time for yourself, and maybe even find yourself thinking about another time or place in life. The latest book I read was; Here, Home, Hope written by Kaira Rouda. Her web site is The story centers around Kelly Mills Johnson, she is married to a successful attorney, has two boys, and a dog named Oreo. Living in a nice house in a nice neighborhood she is a Mom and housewife. Her children are in Maine for the Summer at Camp, her days are spent doing the everyday things until her friends and neighbors lives impact hers and she discovers the old and new Kelly Mills Johnson. Her home becomes a place where her friends and neighbors come to visit, she connects with old friends, and takes on a teenage girl for the Summer. In the midst of all this visitation, she finds herself in a new career that fits her well and with the support of her husband her new life begins.
As a mom and a person, some of her life I can relate to; the daily life of being a Mom, taking care of the kids and house, and thinking about what you might do with your life as the children get older and your time requirements change. Her life and how it and changes can leave you thinking about what you can do or change in your own life! The unexpected comes her way, and what happens next- each time makes her stronger and wiser. Someting I like. During the book Kelly keeps a list with notes of things she hope to accomplish, good idea! The end of the book offers the complete list, and some questions to ask yourself and to ponder about.
Here is a link for the book trailer on You Tube to view more highlights of the book.
This is the first book I have read by Kaira Rouda, I plan to read more of her books. This is a great book to read on your Summer Vacation, sitting on the beach, or sitting on your porch on a cool day. Reviews of her book can be found Here and read what others are saying about her book. To purchase the book visit her web site.
You can Like her on Facebook and Follow her on Twitter and keep up with the author's books and events such as book signings.
Disclosure: I was given a copy of this book to read and review. This post is my own comments and views. Read the book for yourself and see how you can relate to Kelly Mills Johnson. For writing this post I was entered in to a drawing for great prizes from One2OneNetwork.