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Keep Lice away with Fairy Tales Hair Care Natural products

A few years ago there was an outbreak of lice in the girls school. Not just one case, but several cases. And on top of that, it seemed like the origin of the lice was not being treated adequately.  Had I known about Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel® at that time,  I would have seriously encouraged parents to use this product.  Find Fairy Tales Hair Care all natural, organic hair products  for you and your family.

Fortunately my children were not affected that year, but those that were dealing with numerous treatments of  harsh chemicals would have surly appreciated a Natural Organic way to combat those little lice creatures. If you have school age children, even day care age Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel is a way to prevent those pesky lice from attaching to kids hair.

 some of the facts about Lice:

The majority of reported lice cases are in children age 3-11

Lice infects people regardless of social status or personal hygiene.  Lice like clean hair because it is easier for them to attach to clean hair shafts.

Lice are human parasites and need human blood to survive

Lice can survive off a human head for 24-36 hours and can be transmitted thorough contact with hats, hair brushes, athletic helmets and other personal items.

Lice is more common in girls than boys

Pets do not carry human head lice

A nit,hatched egg is smaller than a pin head  and is very hard to remove.

Symptoms of lice include itching of the scalp, small re bumps or sores on the neck and scalp and a tickling feeling of something moving in your hair

Herbs such as rosemary, citronella and tea tree have been prove to repel head lice.

Rosemary Repel® Hair Products naturally repel lice and other insects from your children's or even your own hair. All their products are Pareben free  Pareben is that ingredient usually found in most hair products, cream, even toothpaste.  Not one of the chemicals beneficial to our health. Read the labels of products you purchase and look for Pareben Free.

Would you like to try one of these products?

Rosemary Repel®  Shampoo

Rosemary Repel®  Creme Conditioner

Rosemary Repel®  Spray and Shield

Rosemary Repel®  Leave in Conditioning Spray

Fairy Tales products are safe to use everyday as you wold any other hair product.  There is also a Rosemary Repel Gel to make that polished hairstyle for school.

Need more information? Where can you buy Rosemary Repel Hair Care Products? How much does is cost? Want more information on lice prevention? Are there other products for other hair care needs? will answer all these questions and some you might not have thought of yet!

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 Giveaway:  leave a comment on this post telling me which one product you would like to chose from this list:

Rosemary Repel® Shampoo

Rosemary Repel® Creme Conditioner

Rosemary Repel®  Spray and Shield

Rosemary Repel® Leave in Conditioning Spray

Giveaway closes on February 10, 2011 at midnight EST. Leave a comment on this post for your chance to win one of these products. Your choice of ONE product from this list. One winner will be chosen by Make sure I have your email to contact you if you are the lucky winner.

disclosure: I was given Rosemary Repel®  products in consideration to share the information. Comments are my own.

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