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Have you heard about SIX WEEKS TO OMG? Giveaway of one here!

I just finished reading SIX WEEKS TO OMG, Get Skinnier Than All Your Friends by Venice A. Fulton.

The book is not you everyday diet book, in fact I'd say it's a non diet book.  It's easy to read and understand with techniques to try throughout the book to make you lose fat and gain confidence.

There are five main areas to look at:
1. Loose Fat
2. Get Toned
3.Slim Down your Thighs
4. Flatten your Belly
5. Keep your Skin, Hair, and Nails Growing

Three levels to chose from:
Wave: Lose 10 pounds of Fat in 6 Weeks
Blaze: Lose 15 pounds of Fat in 6 Weeks
Quake: Lose 20 pounds of Fat in  6 Weeks

So what do you do?  Pick a plan, and off you go!  From the right way to weigh yourself (Get naked), yep, to how your food works for or against you.

On page 261 of the book you will find sources for the information in the book so it covers the authoritative aspect. Venice A. Fulton is an expert in nutrition and exercise Physiology, he uses nutrition, biochemistry, genetics, and psychology to get you results

Q&A with Venice A. Fulton

 Venice, I want to get skinny but do I have to do everything in the book?

No, because even if you use one thing, you’ll still outrun the couch potatoes!

Before I wrote Six Weeks To OMG, everyone told me how bad they felt after giving up diets that they couldn’t stick to.  The authors of those books claim that sticking to everything is crucial.  These scare tactics don’t work in the real world because humans have such varied lifestyles.

Also, it’s kind of obvious that not everyone needs the same amount of help.  So, I designed something that would work brilliantly as a standard plan, and would still have lots to offer those who could only apply a few techniques.  This also means that at different times of the year, you’re in control of how hard you work.

Venice, how can skipping breakfast be good if NO ONE else recommends it?

I’d ask why their non-skipping advice clearly isn’t working!

Breakfast is a huge business opportunity, and the advice to eat it, starts at the corporate level.  Of course, there’s no denying that we all feel hungry when we wake up.  Your brain and other organs have been working hard throughout the night, and they want some payback for all their hard work.

And that’s exactly why you must not give in to them!  Morning gives you a once-in-a-day chance to force the body to use fat as a fuel.  The moment breakfast passes your lips, it sees no reason to use stored fat.  With Six Weeks To OMG you will still break (your) fast, just a little later than normal.

 Venice, isn’t this just another paleo type diet?

 Six Weeks To OMGmakes paleo diets extinct!

The paleo principles are limited to talking about diet alone.  To look fantastic, your body can’t just rely on advice about food.  Cavemen and women had very different physical lifestyles to us, and a different mental outlook.  On top of this, no researcher was alive back then, so there’s a hunk of guesswork going on!

 The best strategy is to learn from what we do know about our ancestors, and combine it with stuff they definitely didn’t have access to.  Like the 21 million journals stored in the National Institutes of Health!  Using a modern mix of diet, biochemistry, and psychology is definitely the way to an ultimate body.

Venice, will this diet work for all age group and no matter how much or how little you have to lose?

Six Weeks To OMG is for anyone who needs help.  Bad habits are now spreading across all age groups and even countries, so it’s smart to protect yourself with the best knowledge, whoever you are!  The decision to change your life is a personal decision, or one that you can share with your doctor.

The techniques in the book aren’t for any particular age group, they’re just techniques that work, period.  It’s also worth pointing out that just because you’ve seen a few more summers, it doesn’t mean your body is resistant to change.  With a fresh approach, all previous behaviors can be wiped out.

Venice, do you know for certain much can weight I really lose?

If you pick up Six Weeks To OMG you’ll certainly lose more fat than if you didn’t!

Seriously, I can’t give exact figures as that assumes I know how much you’ll apply the book.  Plus, there are so many factors that affect success.  I will say that based on experience, losing up to 20 pounds of fatis possible for most people, assuming they’ve got that much to lose.

Some lose more, some lose less, but everyone will lose fat, and that’s progress in the right direction.  The more important question is, ‘will the fat stay away?’.  And the answer is YES!  The book will make you an expert, instead of an expert just telling you what to do, without you really knowing why.

Venice, I’m a guy and I’m intrigued, but is it true that OMG is for girls?

I’m the writer, I use this stuff, and I’m definitely a guy!

Girls tend to take more of an interest in their health than us, so it’s entirely natural that everything seems marketed to them.  But, that doesn’t mean guys don’t need help, because we definitely do.  We die earlier than girls, and even if we avoid that, we fall to pieces much quicker!

There are some differences between males and females when it comes to fat loss, but we’re talking 1%.  As a species, we tend to make the same mistakes whether we wear a skirt or not.  And if you think the title Six Weeks To OMG sounds too girly, trust me dude when I say how macho it feels to be in killer shape!

Want to know more?

Closed: Giveaway:  One lucky reader will get a copy of SIX WEEKS  To OMG, GET SKINNER THAN ALL YOUR FRIENDS by Venice A. Fulton. Leave a comment on this post telling me what you hope to learn from this book. Winner will be chosen by Please make sure your email is in your profile or comment so I can contact the winner. Giveaway Closes on August 18, 2012 at 12 midnight EST.

Disclosure: I was given a copy of the book, and press materials in order to write this review. The comments and views are my own.

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