Last Spring I joined fellow Mom Bloggers on becoming a Coppertone Water Mom. It was the time of year when flowers were emerging from the cold earth, kids were playing outside more often, and seasonal pools were getting ready for patrons arrival on Memorial Day weekend. I spent many of Summers at the borough pool in my small town from the time it opened to the time it closed in the early evening. My sister and I even took Red Cross Swimming Lessons and got jobs at the pool. We are redheads with fair skin. One word-Sunburn.
My children are red heads and have fair skin. I remember picking up a sample packet of Coppertone Water Babies at our Pediatrician. We have stayed with Coppertone in different formulas, sprays, and creams.
Its is great to be a Coppertone Water Mom, we can talk about the sunshine, the rain, and which products are our favorites. Even though it is November and very close to Thanksgiving Sunscreen use is still needed. Protect your scalp with a hat, protect your exposed skin with sunscreen even in November.
Coppertone Moms were sent an awesome package of full size products. samples, a tote bag, water bottle, beach ball and other fun things for us to use all Summer long. I shared the samples with my neighbors, relatives, and friends at our Summer cottage where there is a sunny meadow and creek.
At the end of the Summer we were sent a wonderful surprise from Coppertone Water Moms! A mesh tote bag, sand pail, t-shirt,beach towel, balloons, and a pile of the iconic Coppertone girl temporary tattoos to hand out. It's been a really fun year full of interacting with other Coppertone Moms, sharing Coppertone products, and staying safe in the sunshine.
Remember to keep your skin healthy and use a sunscreen and moisturize, from sun up to sun down. even on those early evening boardwalk nights.
As a member of the Coppertone® Water MOMS group, I received product samples and promotional items to share and use as I see fit. No monetary compensation has taken place and any opinions expressed by me are honest and reflect my actual experience.
My children are red heads and have fair skin. I remember picking up a sample packet of Coppertone Water Babies at our Pediatrician. We have stayed with Coppertone in different formulas, sprays, and creams.
Its is great to be a Coppertone Water Mom, we can talk about the sunshine, the rain, and which products are our favorites. Even though it is November and very close to Thanksgiving Sunscreen use is still needed. Protect your scalp with a hat, protect your exposed skin with sunscreen even in November.
Coppertone Moms were sent an awesome package of full size products. samples, a tote bag, water bottle, beach ball and other fun things for us to use all Summer long. I shared the samples with my neighbors, relatives, and friends at our Summer cottage where there is a sunny meadow and creek.
At the end of the Summer we were sent a wonderful surprise from Coppertone Water Moms! A mesh tote bag, sand pail, t-shirt,beach towel, balloons, and a pile of the iconic Coppertone girl temporary tattoos to hand out. It's been a really fun year full of interacting with other Coppertone Moms, sharing Coppertone products, and staying safe in the sunshine.
Remember to keep your skin healthy and use a sunscreen and moisturize, from sun up to sun down. even on those early evening boardwalk nights.
As a member of the Coppertone® Water MOMS group, I received product samples and promotional items to share and use as I see fit. No monetary compensation has taken place and any opinions expressed by me are honest and reflect my actual experience.