Have you taken your Christmas tree down and out to the curb? I just took out the live greens I had in our house and took them to the curb. Don't you always feel like the holidays go by to fast? I'm already thinking about next Christmas. Why? Because the sales are great now!
Wal Mart sale yesterday -75% off, most of this stuff was around 25 to 50 cents!
These door covers were 25 cents. I bought three in each style. Great for you inside doors too, give to teachers, college kids, libraries, or give a set of them to your kids school, church or day care.
I was waiting for these to go on sale: electric candles for the window. 98 cents a pack. (earlier I bought the candles that are battery operated with timers and they have a orange glow-I'll use those for October and November)
Target's holiday merchandise was 75% on my visit. I bought a handful of gift bags for 90 cents each and tissue paper. Each store has different stock so if you live near a few different locations try to visit them all when you are doing your errands.Go through the store too, I found nice holiday hand towels and stoneware snowflake pattern soap dishes in the bedding and bath end caps for $1.79 each. Buy gifts at these discounted prices for next year. Keep them on hand for hostess gifts, teacher gifts, unexpected gifts you need to give or gifts for Pollyanna or secret Santas.
As far as planning for next year I need to get busy on making some lists. I have a binder labeled Christmas that I keep printable shopping lists, sale list and more that I can copy each year and fill out.
My all time favorite for holiday lists is http://christmas.organizedhome.com/. They have tons of free printables and ideas for holidays. Idea planners, household cleaning, grand plan, menu plans, gifts you can make and crafts for all the major holidays too. I just love this site! Here is the direct link to the printable sheets: http://christmas.organizedhome.com/printable/holiday-planner-pages
Happy New Year! Happy Shopping! Happy Organizing!