Here is a great chance to watch a few of the moms of actors that are nominated for an Oscar. We don't often see the parents of actors, so here are the moms. Anne Hathaway's mom, Kathleen Hathaway and Bradley Coopers mom along with a few other moms speak of their excitement, and how proud they are of their actor children. You'll get to see real moms speak about their famous kids and their happiness that their children are happy doing what they love. We love to watch them!
Mom's are enjoying some proud moments with their children being nominated for an Oscar. Head over to to see "mom" inees reactions to their child's nomination.
Here is the direct link to the video: PL55248980/_m_VD55277557.
Mom's are enjoying some proud moments with their children being nominated for an Oscar. Head over to to see "mom" inees reactions to their child's nomination.
Here is the direct link to the video: