Being a Mom is an on the job learning experience every single second. We have to pay attention because our kids grow up way to fast. I know we all have those long nights when we are all tired, and babies are crying, but the joy of watching our kids grow up healthy, happy, and loved is so worth lack of sleep, because we can always take a nap!
My two girls are turning into young ladies, and young women. I home schooled them when others wondered why and how. It was our time to stay together and learn together. I never have regretted one day of homeschooling. By sixth grade I think we outgrew our school at home, and Dad and I enrolled them in a local Parochial School. They were ready, they slide right into their appropriate grades and sailed through school with ease.
Maybe our families wondered how the girls learn all they needed to know.
Maybe people wondered why we all out shopping while it was "school hours"
Maybe their friends wondered why the girls got to stay home from "school" all day.
Maybe the school system even wondered what home schooling was.
Being a mom qualifies us to be their teacher.
To teach skills, values, and morales.
To teach skills, values, and morales.
How to tie their shoes.
How to read.
How to spell.
How to do math, well my husband had to help in that area. I just don't like Math.
How to learn about other countries and their culture.
How to learn all the things "school kids need to know"
How to respect each other.
How to play nice, share, take turns.
We learned it all, all together.
Here is my youngest graduating from High School this year:
Here is my oldest graduating from College this year:
So, stick to what you know, sitck together, and support each other.
Here's to being the Mom you want to be! Here's to being a Strong Mom!
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Visit and take the pledge to support moms.