Disclosure: I was given a News-O-Matic goodie bag in order to write this review. The comments and views are my own.
The Past few months have been full of natural and man made news that is not so easy for our kids to understand. We may shelter them from the TV and radio news so they aren't confused or scared by these events, yet we don't want them to hear about events from friends or even passerby.
For news of good or bad, News-O-Matic lets kids 7-10 years of age read about events and newsworthy happenings in a way they can relate. It also gives them good reading skills, knowledge of current events, and topics to converse about with family around the dinner table.
Each issue has five stories and includes games, puzzles, maps to show location of stories,timeline of history and images and videos. Kids can visit the "newsroom" to ask or draw questions related to the stories. Each issue is ad free.
It's fun for the kids to read each day and be able to talk about news with them. They look forward to reading the news and are learning global as well as country news. Just download the app and let the kids have their own "newspaper" on the go or on the couch at home. Don't be surprised if you find yourself reading it also.
available for the iPad or iPad Mini in the Apple App Store
News-O-Matic gives children the opportunity to explore the latest current events through the app, while also giving them a voice to express their views. Children can interact with the Editor-in-Chief by rating stories, drawing pictures, asking questions or expressing opinions about current topics in the “News Room” section of the app.
tips from Dr. Phyllis Ohr, Child Psychologist for Press4Kids, on how parents can address news issues with children and what children can do to feel better:
1. When the event does not personally affect the child, reassure them that everything is okay with the people they love and that nothing has changed for them.
2. Be sure to stress to children that if they do have questions to ask parents, teachers as well as friends. Other children having the same feelings may be comforting.
3. Begin by giving the child a brief synopsis of what happened by using age appropriate language. Ask if there is something they want to know more about or if they need something explained further. If so, stick to pointedly answering their question or clarifying. Do not add on or digress.
4. Do not assume the news will make children feel a certain way. Ask if they know how they feel, but stress that kids feel all different ways when they hear important news and sometimes do not know how they feel or do not feel anything which is okay. However, if children are affected by it, it is their own feeling. Reassure children that no matter what they are feeling, their feelings are okay.
5. If they are upset but don't want to talk, suggest a fun activity for distraction or help them use calming skills like playing, drawing a picture or writing a story. These activities help release any upset feelings and make children feel better.
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closed/Giveaway: For your chance to win a News-O-Matic goodie bag, featuring a $10 iTunes gift card, backpack, hats, water bottle and an iPad screen cleaner. Please leave a comment on this post. Be sure to leave your email address.One winner will be chosen by random.org. Comments close on June 7, 2013 at 12 midnight EST.