Do you have a super healthy food you fancy the most? KIND bars have been known to reside in our kitchen for short periods of time because someone usually grabs one their way out the door. It's a super favorite.
Take a look at KIND Dark Chocolate Chunk Healthy Grains Bar:
KIND Healthy Grains Bars are chewy with a crunch.
The granola bars are made from five super grains that are mixed with ingredients like pumpkin seeds, toasted coconut flakes, dark chocolate chunks, depending on which variety you are munching on at the time.
Each KIND Healthy Grains Bar has one full serving of 100% whole grains.
Each KIND Healthy Grains Bar has 18-22 grams of whole grains sourced from a blend of 100% unique whole grains including amaranth, quinoa, gluten-free oats, millet and buckwheat
KIND Healthy Grains Bars are available in these five tasty varieties:
Dark Chocolate Chunk
Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate
Vanilla Blueberry
Maple Pumpkin Seeds with Sea Salt
Oats & Honey with Toasted Coconut
Which one is your favorite? My favorite is Vanilla Blueberry, but Dark Chocolate Chunk is a close tie for first place.

Take a look at KIND Dark Chocolate Chunk Healthy Grains Bar:
Healthy Grains Bars are full of Oats, Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, and Buckwheat in KIND Dark Chocolate Crunch. You won't find any Gluten or GMO foods in these bars! That's a super plus.
KIND Healthy Grains Bars are chewy with a crunch.
The granola bars are made from five super grains that are mixed with ingredients like pumpkin seeds, toasted coconut flakes, dark chocolate chunks, depending on which variety you are munching on at the time.
Each KIND Healthy Grains Bar has one full serving of 100% whole grains.
Each KIND Healthy Grains Bar has 18-22 grams of whole grains sourced from a blend of 100% unique whole grains including amaranth, quinoa, gluten-free oats, millet and buckwheat
KIND Healthy Grains Bars are available in these five tasty varieties:
Dark Chocolate Chunk
Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate
Vanilla Blueberry
Maple Pumpkin Seeds with Sea Salt
Oats & Honey with Toasted Coconut
Which one is your favorite? My favorite is Vanilla Blueberry, but Dark Chocolate Chunk is a close tie for first place.