Mom! My eyes are itchy and my nose is running. I could say the say thing about my own health ailments just like the kids exclaim.
For allergy season look to Children's Claritin relieve the symptoms of mother nature.
Children's Claritin Mom's crew is out in force to spread the word about Children's Claritin with Play date fun. Don't spend the nice days inside, get out and play.
Head to the park, lake, beach, or backyard for outdoor fun and play space.
Where do your kids like to play? Make a play date and head outside!
The backyard or the neighborhood park are easy to visit and make great outdoor time with the siblings or the neighborhood kids.
You can read more about Children's Claritin on their web site.
Also on the web site look for
An insulated cooler bag to keep our drinks cold:
and a few goodies to share:
Disclosure: As a member of Children's Claritin Mom Crew,I received samples and promotional items to share and use as i see fit. No monetary compensation has taken place and any opinions expressed by me are honest and reflect my actual experience.
For allergy season look to Children's Claritin relieve the symptoms of mother nature.
Children's Claritin Mom's crew is out in force to spread the word about Children's Claritin with Play date fun. Don't spend the nice days inside, get out and play.
Head to the park, lake, beach, or backyard for outdoor fun and play space.
Where do your kids like to play? Make a play date and head outside!
The backyard or the neighborhood park are easy to visit and make great outdoor time with the siblings or the neighborhood kids.
- Pack a picnic lunch and visit with other moms while you watch the kids play.
- Make a backyard Obstacle Course or Mud Pie Station with sparkly jewels, things from nature, and let the kids have an outdoor kitchen to cook with. Not for meal time, just play time. A mud pie for dessert.
- How about bringing the easel outside and let the kids paint scenes they can see from their yard.
- Serve easy to make and eat wraps, veggies and dip, and juice boxes to keep the kids happy.
- give them free time to swing, slide, or play on the playground.
Also on the web site look for
- money saving coupons
- the full line of Claritin Products for your family
- Allergy report for your neck of the woods
- Allergy tips
- Know when it's a cold or allergy symptoms
thanks Claritin Mom Crew for our goodies:
and a few goodies to share:
Disclosure: As a member of Children's Claritin Mom Crew,I received samples and promotional items to share and use as i see fit. No monetary compensation has taken place and any opinions expressed by me are honest and reflect my actual experience.