- Did you know honey bees pollinate over 100 of the foods grown that we eat from Almonds to Zucchini.
- Did you know honey bees pollinate the grasses that cows, goats and other grazers feed on? (meat, cheese, butter)
- Did you know the honey bee population is declining?
- Did you know YOU can help support honey bees?
Do I have to be a bee keeper?
Nah-just join the "Share the Buzz" with Whole Foods Market.
Visit Whole Foods Market: April 15-28 is "Share The Buzz" in Cherry Hill, or Marlton, or Princeton New Jersey for these events:
Get crafty and make a FREE BEE and drop it in the hive. For each bee made $1.00 will be donated to New Jersey Beekeepers.
Shopping for groceries: April 15-28 look in the store for any foods that are grown in support of bee preservation- look for the "SharetheBuzz" signs throughout the store. Share your photo and tag it #SharetheBuzz and tag it the store you took the photo in, @WholeFoodsMarketPrinceton, @WFM_CherryHIll @WFM_Marlton for a chance to win a Whole Foods $25 gift card. (winners will be notified around April 30, 2015
On April 18, 2015
All Whole Foods Markets will be hosting a "Share the Buzz" at all Whole Foods locations. The event will consist of tastings, demonstrations, and local bee keepers.
Tips for shopping at Whole Foods Market:
Pick up a coupon book when you walk in the store, and sign up for Whole Foods rewards card at customer service or when you check out.
On a recent Monday morning at Whole Foods Market in Princeton, New Jersey I attended a blogger event tilted "Plant Seeds, Protect Pollinators".
The morning was spent with fellow bloggers and "Share the Buzz" promoters
Kitchen Twins
Jersey Family Fun
Jersey Girl Cooks
Rodale Institute
Fruit Wood Farm
Whole Foods Markets team
The food we sampled was courtesy of the honey bee population. The food was very fresh and flavorful. Thanks honey bees.
Blackberry Honeydew Salad
Bee friendly salad 2 cups fresh blackberries 2 cups honeydew melon, cut into pieces the size of the blackberries 1/4 cup fresh lime juice 2 tablespoons honey Directions put the fruit on a plate or in a serving bowl whisk lime juice and honey together and drizzle over the fruit Serves 4 (recipe credit given to Whole Foods Market Blogger event Protect Pollinators) |
We did not just eat the whole morning long, we learned a few things too:
Buzz words like green and sustainable are good thoughts but let's think regeneration. As in regenerate our soil.
Don't just sustain agriculture, regenerate it.
Healthy Soil, Healthy crops, Healthy people.
Rodale Institute has studied "Regenerative Organic Agricultural & Climate Change.
Keep your yard or little piece of the earth free of harmful chemicals in your neck of the woods. Plant plants, giving bees places to do their work. Honey bees travel from plant to plant doing their job pollinating. Use organic, non modified seeds. Don't use harmful pesticides or herbicides on your lawn where bees feed. Visit a local farm that produces all natural honey
Fruitwood Orchards Honey located in Monroeville, New Jersey. You can find their honey at Whole Foods Market in the New Jersey area.
What's in the bag? Bees?
Nope. It's food grown from crops pollinated by honey bees.
And now for the big news: the giveaway!!!GIVEAWAY: For your chance to win this basket of BEE related items, please enter the widget below.
BEE-utiful gift basket Giveaway:
(valued at $250)
· $100 Whole Foods Market Gift Card
· Organic pollinator produce (berries, melons, avocados)
· Local honey & cheeses
· Beeswax candles
· Vendor Products actively protecting pollinators (Cascadian Farms Cereal, Blue Diamond Almond Milk, 365 Pollinator Friendly Almond Butter)
· Plant seeds
Please note: Winner must be able to pick-up prize at an Eastern Pennsylvania or New Jersey (Princeton, Cherry Hill, Marlton) Whole Foods Market location.
winner is Elizabeth from NJ!
If the form is not loading you can go direct to Whole Foods Market giveaway Form.