ROAR LIKE A LION, 90 devotions to a courageous faith

I really like books. Books for children, teens, adults, and those people older than adults...I think that is me now, you know an adult. I mean when you become an adult in your 20's you think you know it all, like all of it.
But then you turn 30, 40, 50 and wow, being an adult is so much more than you thought or even knew was going to happen in your life. It's like you find this settled peace of mind, you are not afraid, scared, or stray towards sin.
But hey, o wait, that still happens. In fact, we are moving into a new house soon, it's acres of tress, and wildlife. I am scared. Yes, I did write that, scared of things that crawl on the ground. It's like that Bible story with Mary and the snake.
On Page 106, there it is. a colorful snake. (but it's still a snake!!!)
On this page is Devotion #49 , SNEAK ATTACK, if you need wisdom, ask God for wisdom. I do not like Snakes. I am terrified. Frozen in my tracks. Maybe it's not really the snake I fear, but falling into sin. I need to ask and listen for God's wisdom.
My kids are well aware of my fear. My children do not have the same fear as I do. They are wise, and know my fear is, well, fear.
The devotions in this book are all applicable to our lives, touching on being scared, fear, courage, mistakes, I am sorry, be hopeful, be bold, be a part of God's story, and be wise.
ROAR LIKE A LION, 90 devotions to a courageous faith.
Read the book to your children, or if they are readers let them read to you, use for quiet time, down time, bedtime, or Sunday School time.
ROAR LIKE A LION offers solid Bible verses and devotional pages to show them how to ask and seek God's wisdom and strength.
This is a great book to share with children.
Each devotion features a Bible verse, colorful pages, and beautiful illustrations by Catherine Pearson.
- facing fears about school and friendships
- Dealing with peer pressure and bullying
- Handling new challenges, disappointments, and grief
- Having courage to try something new
- Understanding how we each fit into God's great story
ROAR LIKE A LION, makes a wonderful gift for birthday, holidays, special days.
It's non-fiction, and listed as Religious/Christian/Devotional and Prayer.
Purchase your copy on ROAR LIKE A LION.COM
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Disclosure: Many thanks to Thomas Nelson for providing this product/product information for review. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive the product in exchange for this review and post.